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- Stressbusting, Negative Energy/EMF Protection & Anxiety relief
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- SHUNGITE - "The BODYGUARD Pendant" - "Healing, Detox, EMF & Mobile phone PROTECTION, Grounding & Spiritual Elevation" - Sterling SILVER or 14 carat GOLD fill. TWO BILLION YEARS OLD !
SHUNGITE - "The BODYGUARD Pendant" - "Healing, Detox, EMF & Mobile phone PROTECTION, Grounding & Spiritual Elevation" - Sterling SILVER or 14 carat GOLD fill. TWO BILLION YEARS OLD !
Handwired by me in solid .925 Sterling SILVER, or 14 carat GOLD fill or with matching chain, or leather cord (for gents).
SHUNGITE : Keywords: "Healing, Detox, EMF & Mobile phone PROTECTION, Grounding AND Spiritual Elevation"
I've been working with Shungite for some years now, and yes ... it is incredible, and it's energy is amazing.
I'm delighted to have been FINALLY able to source a beautiful quality that I'm happy with, to make into jewellery, so that I can bring it to you :)
Extraordinarily rare SHUNGITE is a truly remarkable stone.
It is being currently being hailed as the ‘ultimate bodyguard’.
Both scientists and energy healers are incredibly excited by its potential. It is reported to have a HUGE range of healing properties.
There are even numerous books being written about this healing properties of this extraordinary mineral :)
SHUNGITE comes from ONLY ONE source, a small village in RUSSIA.
Said to be around 2 Billion years old, it is a rare, non crystalline mineral containing up to 94% of carbon. Composed of hollow FULLERENE molecules called "Buckyballs" containing 60 carbon atoms shaped like a closed hollow cage.
Fullerenes were brought to our attention when research on them gained the scientists a Nobel prize in 1996.
A plethora of scientific data has revealed that fullerenes are an incredibly powerful antioxidant, described as a “radical sponge” that can soak up free radicals with absolutely no damage or toxicity to healthy cells.
This mineral has been known in Russia for centuries and has successfully been used for healing for years in a huge range of applications including depression, trauma, pain relief, musculoskeletal conditions, emotional conditions, PLUS notably water purification.
One of my lovely customers who bought a Shungite pendant from me says ...
"I wanted to thank you so much for the Shungite - it has been a total revelation ... it has had a significant impact on [my M.E.] symptoms ... I think it's phenomenal Paula and I am so grateful to you".
SHUNGITE PROPERTIES are said to help:-
- Healing on all levels. Wearing or carrying Shungite helps a huge range of physical & emotional conditions.
- Shungite helps absorb negative energy, helping to remove it from a person or even an entire space. It promotes positive energy, while at the same time helping keep the user grounded and protected.
- NEGATIVE ENERGY PROTECTION agains harmful EMF’S (electromagnetic radiation emitted from MOBILE PHONES, computers and Wi-Fi). It also helps protect against geo-pathic stress (distortions in the earth’s magnetic field). Research by Tula Scientific and Research Institute.
- Powerful DETOXIFIER & ANTI-OXIDANT. Shungite Fullerene mollecules act like a ‘radical sponge’ powerfully SOAKING UP FREE RADICALS LIKE NO OTHER ANTIOXIDANT, and their action is stronger and longer lasting.
- Anti-bacterial. Helps rid the body of pollutants, bacteria, viruses and free radicals. Helps reduce inflammation and speed up healing. Can help stimulate the immune system. Can help suppress allergies.
- Helps clear the body of dysfunctional patterns, which can manifest as disease (DIS-EASE), emotional difficulties and negativity.
- Powerful GROUNDING properties, whilst being expansive too ! Anchoring in light to the physical body, fantastic for spiritual development, and for anyone who works in healing or energy circles.
- Very powerful in mediation … for those sensitive to energy, it can be felt throughout the entire body.
- Beneficial for those undergoing chemotherapy and radiation, said to help with unpleasant side effects from the drugs that may harm other areas of the body.
Resonates to ALL Chakras: but particularly the ROOT/BASE and EARTH STAR Chakras.
ALL THIS AND MORE AMAZING INFORMATION PROVIDED FREE - IN AN A4 PRINTED INFORMATION SHEET which accompanies your pendant. Written & researched by me from specialist books, credible sources and my own experience.
I am offering this pendant in a choice of materials & pendant sizes (see dropdown menu at the foot of this listing)
1) SOLID .925 Sterling SILVER.
2) 14 carat GOLD FILL (with matching chain). Gold fill is VASTLY different and superior to 'Gold Plated'
PENDANT SIZES (see pics)
1) 10mm round - total 'drop' is 25mm
2) 12mm round - total 'drop' is 27mm
1) Black leather CORD. Any length. Nice for gents :) £24.99 - £29.99
2) Sterling Silver 16" or 18" diamond cut curb chain £29.99
3) 14 carat GOLD fill 18" or 16"trace chain £34.99
Your pendant comes in pretty packaging boxed and ready for gifting, alongside all the printed info above.
WHAT IS 14 carat GOLD FILL, and why is it so great !
14 carat gold fill is a fabulous alternative to pure gold without the heart stopping cost. It is typically up to 100 times thicker than gold plate and is a far superior product which lasts the test of time without costing the earth. Totally unlike gold plated jewellery with the right care it doesn't wear through, and is described as a 'lifetime' product.
All my crystal jewellery is handmade by me … which I then infuse with healing Reiki energy at Master level, for you (or the intended recipients) highest good.
REIKI - Is a Japanese form of relaxation and stress reduction that promotes healing. The word Reiki means “Universal Life Force Energy”. Reiki is the ancient, gentle but powerful vibrational energy technique of hands-on, or distance healing. It is a totally safe, non-invasive form of healing that increases energy, reduces pain, and produces deep relaxation and a general feeling of well-being by helping our own healing systems to work to their full potential. Reiki is not tied into any religion, cult or belief system. It works independently of whatever your own beliefs or preferences are. Crystals and gemstones can be charged to store this healing energy.
Disclaimer - The information listed above is not intended for use in diagnosis, treatment, cure, or mitigation of any disease nor is intended to be a substitute for medical advice. The reader should always consult a qualified health provider for advice regarding a medical condition. Depression is a serious condition and you should always consult a medical professional. Crystal healing is a complementary therapy and efficacy is not guaranteed.
Sources & references: The Book of Stones Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian (& Hazel Raven). Judy Hall - The Crystal Bible 2003-18. Dr Flora Peschek-Bohmer & Gisela Schreiber, Healing Crystals & Gemstones 2003. The Crystal Healer – Philip Permutt. Shungite Anti inflammatory & Anti-oxidant research: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5574306/. A. Doronina, in his book “Shungite: The Stone-Saviour. M. Polevaya “Shungite: The Magic Stone of Health. Shungite: Protection, Healing, and Detoxification book by Regina Martino
I work hard to keep my designs and work original.
All my designs and jewellery are protected by Copyright © & Design Rights.2012-2024 Paula-Rose Jewellery.
All rights reserved, including all written text in this listing, Intellectual Property, photography & Jewellery design.
You can find me here too:-
Twitter: www.twitter.com/PaulaRoseReiki
Instagram: PaulaRoseReiki