- Birthstones
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- MARCH birthstone - Aquamarine
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- AQUAMARINE 14 carat GOLD fill TRIO 3-drop necklace. "SERENITY, CALM, EXPRESSION, FEMININITY, COURAGE" MARCH birthstone. Infused with Reiki at Master level.
AQUAMARINE 14 carat GOLD fill TRIO 3-drop necklace. "SERENITY, CALM, EXPRESSION, FEMININITY, COURAGE" MARCH birthstone. Infused with Reiki at Master level.
AQUAMARINE faceted TRIO 3-DROP pendant & chain.
... in 14 carat GOLD fill wire & chain
This exquisite minimalist AQUAMARINE pendant is handmade by me, with 3 gorgeous little hand faceted gemstones, which I've wired in superior 14 carat GOLD fill). It comes with a matching 18" 14 carat GOLD fill trace chain.
AQUAMARINE - Crystal properties and keywords
“Serenity, Calm, Expression, Communication, Courage, Femininity & Intuition" MARCH birthstone.
Aquamarine is an extremely sought after stone of light blue, or blue-green. This beautiful and gentle gem evokes the sea in both its name and its color. The latin ‘aqua maris’ means “sea water” and it is said to bring pure love as it connects to the “Divine Feminine”.
Legend has it that aquamarine originally came from a mermaid’s jewellery box, and was used as a talisman for eternal youth and happiness.
The ancients also saw this as a stone of courage, and used it as a talisman to help them return safe and prosperous from all sea voyages. Although Aquamarine has quite a range of uses, its strongest energies are in the field of opening up the psychic and spiritual development & awareness.
A stone of courage and serenity, its energies are calming and it is thought to act to reduce stress and quiet the mind, thus clarifying perception, sharpening the intellect and removing confusion. It is an excellent stone for promoting creative self-expression, and for removing blocks to communication … making things happen.
Its properties are said to help ...
- Bring serenity, peace, tranquility, calm and courage
- Bring love and a connection to the “Divine Feminine”, a doorway to communication with the goddess
- Sharpen intuition, develop spiritual awareness, and open up clairvoyance
- Clear blocked communication and promote self expression
- Gently wash away blocks in Chakras, bringing communication from a higher plane
- Excellent for meditation, invoking high states of consciousness & spiritual awareness
- Shield the aura and align the Chakras
- Harmonise the Pituitary and the Thyroid gland and help with conditions associated with the throat, ie swollen glands, thyroid problems
- Calm overreactions of the immune system, and strengthens the body’s cleansing organs
Chakra: Throat. Astrological associations: March birthstone
AQUAMARINE is the birthstone for MARCH.
PENDANT MEASUREMENTS: The pendant 'drop' (including the 'O' ring) measures 25mm, and each of the faceted gemstones is approx 5mm x 4mm and comes boxed and ready for gifting complete with matching 18" 14 carat GOLD fill trace chain.
WHAT IS 14 carat GOLD FILL, and why is it so great !
14 carat gold fill is a fabulous alternative to pure gold without the heart stopping cost. It is typically up to 100 times thicker than gold plated jewellery, and is a far superior product which lasts the test of time without costing the earth.
It's an American product, and not very well known here in the UK but gaining immense popularity because totally unlike cheaper gold plated jewellery with the right care it doesn't wear through, and is described as a 'lifetime' product. I love working with it because it makes beautiful GOLD jewellery that stands the test of time, totally affordable :)
All my jewellery comes supplied with printed information on the crystals metaphysical properties, plus information on how care for, cleanse and 'attune' to or 'programme' your gems. Finally it comes boxed and in a pretty organza bag ready for gifting.
All my jewellery is all infused with Reiki energy at master level by me ... for you (or the intended recipient) highest good.
REIKI - Is a Japanese form of relaxation and stress reduction that promotes healing. The word Reiki means “Universal Life Force Energy”. Reiki is the ancient, gentle but powerful vibrational energy technique of hands-on, or distance healing. It is a totally safe, non-invasive form of healing that increases energy, reduces pain, and produces deep relaxation and a general feeling of well-being by helping our own healing systems to work to their full potential. Reiki is not tied into any religion, cult or belief system. It works independently of whatever your own beliefs or preferences are.
Crystals and gemstones can store this beautiful and powerful Reiki healing energy which passes to the wearer as required.
The bracelet pictured is the design you will receive, although crystal markings and colour may be marginally different due to the uniqueness of each strand. I always colour match by hand and choose each bead individually when making up every bracelet.
Disclaimer - The information listed above is not intended for use in diagnosis, treatment, cure, or mitigation of any disease nor is intended to be a substitute for medical advice. The reader should always consult a qualified health provider for advice regarding a medical condition. Depression is a serious condition and you should always consult a medical professional. Crystal healing is a complementary therapy and efficacy is not guaranteed.
Sources & references: Judy Hall - The Crystal Bible 2003-9. Dr Flora Peschek-Bohmer & Gisela Schreiber Healing Crystals & Gemstones 2003. The Crystal healer – Philip Permutt 2007. The Book of Stones by Robert Simmons & Naisha Ashian. Affirmations by Naisha Ashian.
I work hard to keep my designs and concepts original. All rights reserved (c) 2012 - 2023.
ALL designs, concepts, and photography are the intellectual property of Paula-Rose.
You can find me here too:-
Twitter: www.twitter.com/PaulaRoseReiki
Instagram: PaulaRoseReiki