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- Black Tourmaline & Swarovski crystal sterling silver earrings: "PROTECTION" from negative energies (incl. mobile phone EMF's), stress relief & grounding.
Black Tourmaline & Swarovski crystal sterling silver earrings: "PROTECTION" from negative energies (incl. mobile phone EMF's), stress relief & grounding.
These BLACK TOURMALINE & Swarovski crystal sterling silver earrings are designed to help shield you from negative energies, with added sparkle. They are mounted on my own hand forged sterling silver ear wires.
Because they are worn in the ears they're perfect to help protect the head area, and help to counteract all those yucky energies from mobile phones, and or negative energies from other people.
We're CONSTANTLY surrounded by electromagnetic smog these days, with the ever increasing amounts of gadgets we use, including wi-fi, and mobile phones. I firmly believe it's not doing us any favours.
Its benefits can be really wide ranging:-
Key properties said to help with :-
- Protective (psychic protection & harmful EMF electromagnetic smog from mobile phones & computers etc).
- Fantastic stessbuster !
- Energy & vitality powerhouse
- Positivity & health boosting
- Detoxifying - helps dispels negativity.
Black Tourmaline is also known as the 'electric' stone. It is one of the most naturally effective grounding stones creating a circuit with the earths energetic field (which has huge health benefits). It can be used to purify and regulate the electrical and other energetic systems of the body.
It has been used as the 'go-to' stone for Psychic Protection for empaths and psychics for eons. It has been likened to wearing an energetic suit of armour, and helps to ‘shield’ you from picking up on negative energies and though-forms.
The 'science bit' is that Black Tourmaline naturally emits an extraordinary amount of negative ions, at an estimated rate of approximately 4,000 per second, per cubic centimetre !!
Negative Ions can help make you feel good ! The air is full of negative ions at the tops of mountains, by waterfalls and by the sea. Otherwise they're pretty scarce in our everyday life unless you have an 'ioniser'.
It was discovered that negative ions can balance serotonin in the body, which explains why people tend to feel happier, more alert, stable and energised in the presence of negative ions. In these days when life is getting increasingly frantic and many people are feeling highly stressed Black Tourmaline stone is a powerful aid to helping you to let of the negativity generated by the way we live our lives.
The benefits of Black Tourmaline are said to help the following:-
- Protection from harmful EMF (electromagnetic frequencies)
- Absorb & dissipate negativity, transforming negative energy into positive energy
- Can help promote happiness, wellbeing, physical vitality and overall health.
- A negative ion POWERHOUSE (super healthy for the BODY)
- Studies show that negative ions are very good for; mood improvement (balancing Seratonin levels) fatigue, SAD, depression, air purification, asthma, dust and animal allergies. Eczema & Sinusitis.
- Pain relief – good for headaches, arthritis and back pain
- Promotes a objectivity and clarity of thought
- Helps to strengthen the immune system
Chakra: Black Tourmaline vibrates strongly at the base or root chakra.
MEASUREMENTS: The earring 'drop' is approx 35mm and the Tourmaline bead is approximately 8mm x 8mm.
All my jewellery is all infused with Reiki energy at master level by me ... for you (or the intended recipient) highest good.
REIKI - Is a Japanese form of relaxation and stress reduction that promotes healing. The word Reiki means “Universal Life Force Energy”. Reiki is the ancient, gentle but powerful vibrational energy technique of hands-on, or distance healing. It is a totally safe, non-invasive form of healing that increases energy, reduces pain, and produces deep relaxation and a general feeling of well-being by helping our own healing systems to work to their full potential. Reiki is not tied into any religion, cult or belief system. It works independently of whatever your own beliefs or preferences are.
Crystals and gemstones can store this beautiful and powerful healing energy which passes to the wearer as required.
Disclaimer - The information listed above is not intended for use in diagnosis, treatment, cure, or mitigation of any disease nor is intended to be a substitute for medical advice. The reader should always consult a qualified health provider for advice regarding a medical condition. Depression is a serious condition and you should always consult a medical professional. Crystal healing is a complementary therapy and efficacy is not guaranteed.
Sources & references: Judy Hall - The Crystal Bible 2003-9. Dr Flora Peschek-Bohmer & Gisela Schreiber Healing Crystals & Gemstones 2003. The Crystal healer – Philip Permutt 2007. The Book of Stones by Robert Simmons & Naisha Ashian. Affirmations by Naisha Ashian.
I work hard to keep my designs and concepts original. All rights reserved (c) 2012 - 2019. ALL designs, concepts, and photography are the intellectual property of Paula-Rose.
You can find me here too:-
Twitter: www.twitter.com/PaulaRoseReiki
Instagram: PaulaRoseReiki